Vitrine sur la copropriété : Invitations to tender: how to make the right choice? - french only
Tuesday 18h00 to 19h00
This activity will be offered in French only.
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Every first week of the month, the RGCQ offers a free activity for all its members.
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For this edition, we'll be tackling the subject of calls for tender: how can you really make the right choices?
A call for tenders, as the name implies, is a request made by a client (in this case, a condominium corporation) to a number of contractors to submit a proposal to carry out the work set out in the call for tenders, at the cost they deem necessary. Competitive bidding by companies providing services in this field enables the unions to choose the most competitive offer from among the bids they receive. However, the members of the Board of Directors, most of whom are volunteers with no particular expertise in property management, do not always have the skills required to assess the bids submitted. And when major work is planned or required, how can we be sure that it will be carried out properly and that the costs are justified?
All the answers to your questions in this webinar
Carolane Daignault General manager - Magellan immobilier Conseils
Me Philippe Gagnon-Marin lawyer - LJT Avocat
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