Vitrine sur la copropriété: Managing abusive and aggressive behavior - french only
Wednesday 18h00 to 19h00
This activity will be offered in French only.
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Every first week of the month, the RGCQ offers a free activity for all its members.
Discover the Vitrines sur la copropriété: a free information session for RGCQ members on a topic chosen by YOU.
For this edition, we'll be tackling the management of abusive and aggressive behavior.
The existence of tensions between a syndicate of co-ownership and a co-owner is not unknown. Unfortunately, some people think they're in charge and others think they have all the rights. As common sense and good manners are not inborn in everyone, this can unfortunately lead to aggressive and abusive behavior on the part of some co-owners towards the Board of Directors. Although the management of conflictual situations is part of the normal inconveniences that must be accepted by directors as part of their mandate, these inconveniences must not exceed the objective limits of tolerance. The courts may intervene in certain cases, but they are not arbiters in matters of courtesy, politeness and good taste. During this training session, Me Karl Michel of LJT Avocats will show you how to proceed and give you the tools you need to manage such situations and prevent them from getting out of hand.
Me Karl Michel Lawyer at LJT Lawyers
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Cancellation and refund policy : You may cancel your registration up to 48 hours before the event for a full refund. After this time, no cancellations, credits or refunds are possible.

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